Resurse Umane, HR, recrutare
Joburi după dată: Toate joburile
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR func
Секретарь – одел кадров Предприятие на Рышкановке объявляет о вакантной должности секретарь – Работа с документами, ведение телефонных переговоров. умение пользоваться компьютером. Требования: Обучение в процессе работы ,честность ,порядочность ,желательно без в/п. знание государственный и русского языка обязательно Опыт работы в любой должности приветствуется. График работы с 09:00 до 18:00. зарплата 2500lei Просьба
Urgent –Secretar(a), RH, Administrator, Manager… 067235410
Профессиональные требования: - Высшее образование ; - Знание румынского и русского языков - Знание программы 1С и других программ учета персонала и рабочего времени - Знание трудового законодательства; - Опыт работы с кадровыми документами не менее 2х лет; - Внимательность‚ ответственность‚ обучаемость‚ тактичность. Обязанности: - Ведение кадрового делопроизводства в полном объеме; - Подбор персонала; - составление графиков работы, ве
Avem nevoie de lucratori pentru elaborarea documentelor privind resursele umane la diferite unitati , uneori va fi necesar de iesit in oras pentru impartirea facturilor sau prezentarea unor dari de seama. Experienta nu este obligatorie. Persoanele interesate sunt invitate sa trimita un CV si copia la diploma de studii pe adresa Regimul de munca de la 8:30 pina la 17:30, cu pauza de masa de la 12:00 la 13:00.
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR func
Секретарь – одел кадров Предприятие на Рышкановке объявляет о вакантной должности секретарь – Работа с документами, ведение телефонных переговоров. умение пользоваться компьютером. Требования: Обучение в процессе работы ,честность ,порядочность ,желательно без в/п. знание государственный и русского языка обязательно Опыт работы в любой должности приветствуется. График работы с 09:00 до 18:00. зарплата 2500lei Просьба
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR fu
Профессиональные требования: - Высшее образование ; - Знание румынского и русского языков - Знание программы 1С и других программ учета персонала и рабочего времени - Знание трудового законодательства; - Опыт работы с кадровыми документами не менее 2х лет; - Внимательность‚ ответственность‚ обучаемость‚ тактичность. Обязанности: - Ведение кадрового делопроизводства в полном объеме; - Подбор персонала; - составление графиков работы, ве
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR func
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR func
ТРЕБОВАНИЯ: - Коммуникабельность. - Стрессоустойчивость. - Быстрая обучаемость. - Четкая, грамотная речь. - Уверенный пользователь компьютером. - Нацеленность и активность. - Готовность к командировкам по Молдове и за рубежом. ОБЯЗАННОСТИ: - Создание, размещение вакансий в интернете и СМИ. - Поиск и отбор сотрудников. УСЛОВИЯ РАБОТЫ: График 5/2 с 10:00 до 18:00 (суббота, воскресение выходные дни) оклад+% УСП
Munca de birou (ajutor de conducator) Responsabilitati: *Formarea departamentului: * Primirea și înregistrarea activitatii angajaților; * Rezolvarea problemelor organizatorice; * Planificarea lucrului, aplicarea si verificarea personalului. Cerințe: * Abilitati de lucru cu personalul; * Abilitatea de a lucra în echipă, viața activă; *Responsabilitate, lucru pe rezultat. Termeni la locul de muncă: * Munca de birou 11.00-18.00
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR fu
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Administrative Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Administrative manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Position overview: a result driven as
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Administrative Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Administrative manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Position overview: a result driven as
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR fu
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR fu
парикмахер общего профиля
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR func
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR func
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR func
Тpeбoвaния: - нaцeлeннocть нa рeзультaт, - кoммуникaбeльнocть, - амбициозное жeлaниe pacти и paзвиваться, - лидepcкие кaчecтвa, - всeгда быть нa cвязи. Oбязaнноcти: - пoиcк новых партнерoв в кoмaнду, - oбучeниe и рaзвитиe сoтрудникoв, - выпoлнeниe кaмпaний и дoстижeниe нoвыx рeзультaтoв. Уcлoвия: - зaнятocть oт 2-4 ч. в дeнь, - бeсплaтноe oбучeниe под руководством куратора, который заинтересован в вашем успехе, - учaстиe в кoрпoр
Avem nevoie de manager pentru recrutarea personalului. Responsabilităţi: - plasarea anunţurilor; - elaborarea raportului referitor la munca efectuată. Cerinţe: - comunicabilitate; - responsabilitate; - învăţare rapidă; - utilizator avansat PC; - cunoaşterea programelor Microsoft Office; - dorinţa de a câştiga. Cei interesaţi rugăm să ne scrie la adresa
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR func
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the: Recruiting and people development responsible (manufacturing) Duties and responsibilities: • Will be responsible for managing the entire process of recruitment, in line with the existing procedures; • Will be resposible for Identifying L&D needs within the organization
HR-Consulting – la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatului pentru postul vacant: Training Manager Compania: Companie internationala, lider in domeniul producerilor materialelor de constructie Obiectivul postului: Adaptarea si monitorizarea activitatii noilor angajati. Elaborarea manualelor de instruire pentru fiecar post. Evaluarea angajatilor. Responsabilitati: - Pregatirea si existenta documentelor/manualelor
Голландская компания NL JOBS приглашает на работу Менеджера по подбору персонала, рекрутера, для работы в Кишиневском филиале: Должностные обязанности: - Подбор кандидатов для сезонной и постоянной работы на территории Нидерландов. - Размещение актуальных вакансий в интернете - Проведение телефонных, очных, групповых интервью; - Оценка профессиональных и личностных качеств; - Поиск оптимальных каналов для размещения вакансий - проведени
JURISCONSULT Cerinţele: -Studii superioare juridice -Cunoasterea legilor -Cunostintele si experienta in domeniul cadrelor -Experienţă de muncă e obligatoriu -Cunoasterea limbelor română şi rusă, engleza va fi un avantaj Asteptam CV la adresa de E-mail:
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR func
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Administrative Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Administrative manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Position overview: a result driven ass
Должностные обязанности: Массовый подбор персонала Размещения объявлений Проведение первичных собеседований. Требования: Опыт работы в подборе персонала НЕ обязателен!
Manager Responsabilitati: - Implicare în proiectele de recrutare și selecție: - Implicare activă în procesul de comunicare internă: - Intocmirea documentelor necesare angajarii personalului: Cerinte: - Studii superioare - minim de experiență pe o poziție similară: - O excelentă întelegere a principiilor și practicilor de HR precum și a legislației în domeniu: - Excelente abilități de planificare, comunicare, time-management, organizar
Здравствуйте,наша компания расширяет свой HR отдел и с радостью примет в свою команду рекрутера. Будем рады тому, кто хочет подбирать лучших кандидатов! А вакансии бывают разные - менеджеры проектов, журналисты, сценаристы, дизайнеры, разработчики и другие. Что будете делать: - искать, оценивать и подбирать персонал на различные позиции; - вести базу данных кандидатов. Что необходимо знать и уметь: - опыт в рекрутинге ; - грамотно владеть русским
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR func
REFERENT ACTIVITATE DE BAZĂ (manager office) SARCINILE DE BAZĂ: Asistă şeful de unitate în probleme de comunicare, documentare şi coordonare a gestiunii interne a unităţii administrative, redactează scrisori cu caracter comercial şi răspunde la scrisorile primite. OBLIGAŢIILE DE SERVICIU: Asigură circulaţia corespondenţei, faxurilor primite la timp în interiorul întreprinderii. Urmăreşte transmiterea la timp a scrisorilor răspuns, a ordinil
HR-Consulting – la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatului pentru postul vacant: Training Manager Compania: Companie internationala, lider in domeniul producerilor materialelor de constructie Obiectivul postului: Adaptarea si monitorizarea activitatii noilor angajati. Elaborarea manualelor de instruire pentru fiecar post. Evaluarea angajatilor. Responsabilitati: - Pregatirea si existenta documentelor/manualelor
Persoanele interesate sunt invitate sa trimita un CV si copia la diploma de studii pe adresa Regimul de munca de la 8:30 pina la 17:30, cu pauza de masa de la 12:00 la 13:00.
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR func
Companie internatioanala este in cautarea unor tineri activi si ambitiosi, experienta in domeniu nu este obligatorie pentru a fi contactati expediati CV-ul la adresa de email Cerinte: -cunoasterea limbii engleze -competente de comunicare atit in scris cit si orale. -nivel inalt de responsabilitate, autoorganizare si perseverenta -atitudine pozitiva si prietenoasa Responsabilitati: - Administrarea bazei de
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR func
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Administrative Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Administrative manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Position overview: a result driven ass
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Administrative Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Administrative manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Position overview: a result driven assis
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Administrative Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Administrative manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Position overview: a result driven assis
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR fu
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR func
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Administrative Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Administrative manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Position overview: a result driven ass
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Administrative Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Administrative manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Position overview: a result driven assis
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR func
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the: Recruiting and people development responsible (manufacturing) Duties and responsibilities: • Will be responsible for managing the entire process of recruitment, in line with the existing procedures; • Will be resposible for Identifying L&D needs within the organization
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