Toate joburile

HR manager

Actualizat: 6 februarie 2017


HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPON

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HR generalist

Actualizat: 6 februarie 2017

HR Generalist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English.

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Manager resurse umane

Actualizat: 6 februarie 2017


Specialistul respectiv se va ocupa de recrutarea personalului necesar (cautare de personal) si montorizarea functionarii corecte a departamentului. Obligatiuni de baza: - Recrutarea personalului solicitat - Completarea actelor necesare pentru angajari - Elaborarea rapoartelor conform lucrului personal efectuat, precum si a departamentului Cerinte: - Experienta in recrutarea personalului (suplinirea rapida a functiilor vacante) minim 2 ani.

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HR manager

Actualizat: 3 februarie 2017


В связи с расширением, наша компания ищет толкового менеджера по персоналу! Требования к кандидату: - высокий уровень владения ПК -коммуникабельность - умение быстро и уверенно обучаться - ответственность -пунктуальность -исполнительность -отличное знание русского языка Обязанности: - подбор персонала на сайтах работы и в соц.сетях - обработка электронных писем от кандидатов -опыт работы приветствуется Условия работы: - графи

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HR generalist

Actualizat: 3 februarie 2017

HR Generalist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English.

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Обязанности: - анализ потребности организации в кадрах, возможных источников специалистов; - подбор кадров на вакантные должности, обеспечение их адаптации и необходимой подготовки; - организация работы по повышению квалификации сотрудников, построению стратегий профессионального и карьерного роста; разработка принципов эффективного управления персоналом, повышения уровня его профессиональной мотивации; - ведение кадровой документации; Требо

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HR менеджер

Actualizat: 3 februarie 2017


HR-Consulting - по поручению своего клиента, находится в поиске кандидата на вакансию: HR Менеджер О КОМПАНИИ: Производственная компания ОБЯЗАННОСТИ: - Эффективно управлять кадровым ресурсом компании - Обеспечение производства необходимыми кадрами - Поиск кандидатов с использованием самых эффективных источников, проведение качественного отбора - Принятие участия в разработке организационной структуры предприятия (составление шта

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HR generalist

Actualizat: 2 februarie 2017

HR Generalist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English. Th

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HR manager

Actualizat: 1 februarie 2017


HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPONSI

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HR generalist

Actualizat: 1 februarie 2017

HR Generalist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English. Th

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Тpeбoвaния: - нaцeлeннocть нa рeзультaт, - кoммуникaбeльнocть, - жeлaниe pacти и paзвиваться, - лидepcкие кaчecтвa, - всeгда быть нa cвязи. Oбязaнноcти: - пoиcк сoтрудникoв в кoмaнду, - oбучeниe и рaзвитиe сoтрудникoв, - выпoлнeниe кaмпaний и дoстижeниe нoвыx рeзультaтoв. Уcлoвия: - бeсплaтноe oбучeниe, - учaстиe в кoрпoрaтивныx мeрoприятияx. Заинтересованным просьба откликнуться на email

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Manager resurse umane

Actualizat: 31 ianuarie 2017


Specialistul respectiv se va ocupa de recrutarea personalului necesar (cautare de personal) si montorizarea functionarii corecte a departamentului. Obligatiuni de baza: - Recrutarea personalului solicitat - Completarea actelor necesare pentru angajari - Elaborarea rapoartelor conform lucrului personal efectuat, precum si a departamentului Cerinte: - Experienta in recrutarea personalului (suplinirea rapida a functiilor vacante) minim 2 ani.

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HR generalist

Actualizat: 31 ianuarie 2017

HR Generalist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English.

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HR generalist

Actualizat: 30 ianuarie 2017

HR Generalist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English. This

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HR generalist

Actualizat: 30 ianuarie 2017

HR Generalist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English. This

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Manager resurse umane

Actualizat: 29 ianuarie 2017


Specialistul respectiv se va ocupa de recrutarea personalului necesar (cautare de personal) si montorizarea functionarii corecte a departamentului. Obligatiuni de baza: - Recrutarea personalului solicitat - Completarea actelor necesare pentru angajari - Elaborarea rapoartelor conform lucrului personal efectuat, precum si a departamentului Cerinte: - Experienta in recrutarea personalului (suplinirea rapida a functiilor vacante) minim 2 ani.

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Обязанности: - подбор, адаптация персонала; - обучение персонала; - разработка мотивационных схем; - анализ эффективности показателей сотрудников. Свободный график. Доход высокий. Занятость от 3-4 часов в день. Наличие компьютера. Все официально.

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Обязанности: - решение кадровых вопросов с нуля - распределение обязанностей и контроль за их исполнением - контроль своевременного выхода рекламы - контроль за ведением документации - ставить цель и достигать их - сбор отчетов Требования: - предпринимательский опыт приветствуется - лидерские качества, способность приводить команду к победе - быстрое освоение нового материала - умение меняться в ногу со временем Все зая

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HR manager

Actualizat: 27 ianuarie 2017


HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBI

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Manager vânzări – servicii HR

Actualizat: 27 ianuarie 2017

Compania de training și consul...

Manager vânzări – servicii HR. Compania de training și consultanță HR Portal, pentru una dintre direcțiile sale de activitate anunță concurs de angajare pentru funcția de: Manager vânzări – servicii HR. Scopul principal al postului: realizarea planului de vînzari și marketing și menținerea relației cu clienții actuali ai companiei. Sarcini principale: - studierea pieții și identificarea potențialilor clienți; - efectuarea apelurilor reci

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HR manager

Actualizat: 27 ianuarie 2017


HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPONSI

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HR generalist

Actualizat: 27 ianuarie 2017

HR Generalist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English. This

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HR generalist

Actualizat: 27 ianuarie 2017

HR Generalist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English. This

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HR generalist

Actualizat: 26 ianuarie 2017

HR Generalist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English. This

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HR generalist

Actualizat: 26 ianuarie 2017

HR Generalist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English.

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Manager resurse umane

Actualizat: 26 ianuarie 2017


Specialistul respectiv se va ocupa de recrutarea personalului necesar (cautare de personal) si montorizarea functionarii corecte a departamentului. Obligatiuni de baza: - Recrutarea personalului solicitat - Completarea actelor necesare pentru angajari - Elaborarea rapoartelor conform lucrului personal efectuat, precum si a departamentului Cerinte: - Experienta in recrutarea personalului (suplinirea rapida a functiilor vacante) minim 2 ani.

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Manager resurse umane

Actualizat: 26 ianuarie 2017


Specialistul respectiv se va ocupa de recrutarea personalului necesar (cautare de personal) si montorizarea functionarii corecte a departamentului. Obligatiuni de baza: - Recrutarea personalului solicitat - Completarea actelor necesare pentru angajari - Elaborarea rapoartelor conform lucrului personal efectuat, precum si a departamentului Cerinte: - Experienta in recrutarea personalului (suplinirea rapida a functiilor vacante) minim 2 ani.

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Manager vânzări – servicii HR

Actualizat: 25 ianuarie 2017

Compania de training și consul...

Manager vânzări – servicii HR. Compania de training și consultanță HR Portal, pentru una dintre direcțiile sale de activitate anunță concurs de angajare pentru funcția de: Manager vânzări – servicii HR. Scopul principal al postului: realizarea planului de vînzari și marketing și menținerea relației cu clienții actuali ai companiei. Sarcini principale: - studierea pieții și identificarea potențialilor clienți; - efectuarea apelurilor reci

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Office manager

Actualizat: 24 ianuarie 2017

SRL "MoldTrans-Tur"

Responsabilităţi: - Redactează şi organizează evidenţa documentaţiei necesare privind buna funcţionare a companiei (ex: ordin, contract etc), a carnetelor de muncă, a contractelor individuale de muncă, evidenţa concediilor medicale etc. -Este responsabil de întreținerea bazei de date a angajaţilor. - Tine evidenta corespondentei de iesire si intrare Cerinţe: • Studii superioare profil umanist; • Cunoaşterea la perfecţie a limbii române, c

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HR generalist

Actualizat: 24 ianuarie 2017

HR Generalist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English. Th

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HR generalist

Actualizat: 24 ianuarie 2017

HR Generalist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English.

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Manager vânzări – servicii HR

Actualizat: 23 ianuarie 2017

Compania de training și consul...

Manager vânzări – servicii HR. Compania de training și consultanță HR Portal, pentru una dintre direcțiile sale de activitate anunță concurs de angajare pentru funcția de: Manager vânzări – servicii HR. Scopul principal al postului: realizarea planului de vînzari și marketing și menținerea relației cu clienții actuali ai companiei. Sarcini principale: - studierea pieții și identificarea potențialilor clienți; - efectuarea apelurilor reci

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HR generalist

Actualizat: 23 ianuarie 2017

HR Generalist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English. Th

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HR manager

Actualizat: 23 ianuarie 2017


HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPONSI

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Manager resurse umane

Actualizat: 23 ianuarie 2017


Specialistul respectiv se va ocupa de recrutarea personalului necesar (cautare de personal) si montorizarea functionarii corecte a departamentului. Obligatiuni de baza: - Recrutarea personalului solicitat - Completarea actelor necesare pentru angajari - Elaborarea rapoartelor conform lucrului personal efectuat, precum si a departamentului Cerinte: - Experienta in recrutarea personalului (suplinirea rapida a functiilor vacante) minim 2 ani.

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HR generalist

Actualizat: 23 ianuarie 2017


HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English. Th

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HR manager

Actualizat: 23 ianuarie 2017


HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILI

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Manager resurse umane

Actualizat: 21 ianuarie 2017


Specialistul respectiv se va ocupa de recrutarea personalului necesar (cautare de personal) si montorizarea functionarii corecte a departamentului. Obligatiuni de baza: - Recrutarea personalului solicitat - Completarea actelor necesare pentru angajari - Elaborarea rapoartelor conform lucrului personal efectuat, precum si a departamentului Cerinte: - Experienta in recrutarea personalului (suplinirea rapida a functiilor vacante) minim 2 ani.

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HR generalist

Actualizat: 20 ianuarie 2017

HR Generalist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English.

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Professionals or students (UTM...

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the positions in Engineering, Production, Logistics, Accounting, HR fields. Company Overview: International company within the automotive production, cables production, situated in a region of Moldova. Transportation for professionals from Chisinau is provided. Professionals or students (UTM)

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HR manager

Actualizat: 20 ianuarie 2017


HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILI

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HR manager

Actualizat: 20 ianuarie 2017


HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILI

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Manager vânzări – servicii HR

Actualizat: 20 ianuarie 2017

Compania de training și consul...

Manager vânzări – servicii HR. Compania de training și consultanță HR Portal, pentru una dintre direcțiile sale de activitate anunță concurs de angajare pentru funcția de: Manager vânzări – servicii HR. Scopul principal al postului: realizarea planului de vînzari și marketing și menținerea relației cu clienții actuali ai companiei. Sarcini principale: - studierea pieții și identificarea potențialilor clienți; - efectuarea apelurilor reci

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HR manager

Actualizat: 19 ianuarie 2017


HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBI

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Manager resurse umane

Actualizat: 19 ianuarie 2017


Specialistul respectiv se va ocupa de recrutarea personalului necesar (cautare de personal) si montorizarea functionarii corecte a departamentului. Obligatiuni de baza: - Recrutarea personalului solicitat - Completarea actelor necesare pentru angajari - Elaborarea rapoartelor conform lucrului personal efectuat, precum si a departamentului Cerinte: - Experienta in recrutarea personalului (suplinirea rapida a functiilor vacante) minim 2 ani.

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Требуется рекрутер: Основные функциональные обязанности: • ведение баз данных (вакансий и резюме); • размещение и обновление вакансий в Интернет; • сбор и обработка документов от соискателей; • приглашение кандидатов на интервью; Требования: - уверенный пользователь ПК; - навыки телефонных переговоров; - внимательность, коммуникабельность, ответственность; - Хорошее владение русским и румынским языками ; Отправляйте CV на адрес:

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Manager resurse umane

Actualizat: 18 ianuarie 2017


Specialistul respectiv se va ocupa de recrutarea personalului necesar (cautare de personal) si montorizarea functionarii corecte a departamentului. Obligatiuni de baza: - Recrutarea personalului solicitat - Completarea actelor necesare pentru angajari - Elaborarea rapoartelor conform lucrului personal efectuat, precum si a departamentului Cerinte: - Experienta in recrutarea personalului (suplinirea rapida a functiilor vacante) minim 2 ani.

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Manager vânzări – servicii HR

Actualizat: 18 ianuarie 2017

Compania de training și consul...

Manager vânzări – servicii HR. Compania de training și consultanță HR Portal, pentru una dintre direcțiile sale de activitate anunță concurs de angajare pentru funcția de: Manager vânzări – servicii HR. Scopul principal al postului: realizarea planului de vînzari și marketing și menținerea relației cu clienții actuali ai companiei. Sarcini principale: - studierea pieții și identificarea potențialilor clienți; - efectuarea apelurilor reci

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Actualizat: 13 ianuarie 2017


HR-Consulting - по поручению своего клиента, находится в поиске кандидата на вакансию: HR-Менеджер О КОМПАНИИ: Производственная компания ОБЯЗАННОСТИ: - Эффективно управлять кадровым ресурсом компании - Обеспечение производства необходимыми кадрами - Поиск кандидатов с использованием самых эффективных источников, проведение качественного отбора - Принятие участия в разработке организационной структуры предприятия (составление

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HR manager

Actualizat: 13 ianuarie 2017


HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILI

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