44 ani
Pentru a vedea contactele candidatului este necesar să vă înregistrați și să achitați serviciul "Acces la baza de CV-uri".
Despre mine
Управление процессами, Управление командами, Аналитическое мышление и инновации, активное обучение и стратегии обучения, решение сложных проблем, критическое мышление и анализ, креативность, оригинальность и инициативность, лидерство и социальное влияние, публичные выступления, использование, мониторинг и контроль технологий, устойчивость, стрессоустойчивость и гибкость, рассуждение, решение проблем и формирование идей, общение, эмпатия и эмоциональная поддержка, культура роста сотрудников, вовлечение и удержание, переподготовка и карьерный коучинг, поддержка разнообразия и вовлеченности, предвидение пробелов в навыках, гибкость, развитие производительности, коллегиальный и командный коучинг.
Windows, MS Office, Word, Excel, Office 365, Power Point, Paint.
Google Docs, Slack, Outlook, Jira, KanbanFlow, Miro, Canva, etc.
TOP Competențe
Experiența profesională
Februarie 2004 - Prezent
21 ani
HR Director/ Head of HR / Team Lead / Adviser
NGO, IT, Agriculture secture, Wine production etc.
Over 20 years of business experience in local and international organizations. Out of these 12 years as HR (Agroholding, ICT companies, NGO).
Last period I was supervisor of HR team of 5 people.
Internation Organisation with 150 international employees.
- Head of HR Dept.
- Member of the SMT (Senior Management Team).
- Supervising all aspects of HR procedurs and process.
- Mentoring of staff
- People Managment.
- Evaluation and Development plans.
- I organized trainings for introduction to the field, staff development and Psychological support for the staff.
- In half a year I supervised the hiring of 40 people in the organization.
- I developed the strategy for the next working year, introduced policies and supervised their execution.
- I was acting as a facilitator within the organization to resolve conflicts or investigate complaints.
- I was part of the team in organizing the tender for the selection of the Private Health Insurance provider for the employees of the Organization.
- I have executed Monthly Reports and for audit in the monitoring of the activities of the organization of Donors and Head Quaters from Rome, etc.
Română Fluent
Rusă Fluent
Engleză Fluent
Italiană Comunicare
Domeniul dorit
Studii: Superioare
Absolvit în: 2012
Facultatea: Economics
Specialitatea: Accounting
Absolvit în: 2005
IRI "Perspectiva"
Facultatea: Law
Specialitatea: International Law
Absolvit în: 2001
Facultatea: Philology
Specialitatea: Linguistic
Cursuri, training-uri
Absolvit în: 2019
HR Director - MBA
Organizator: SBC
Absolvit în: 2023
HR Conference Chisinau 2023
Organizator: HR Solutions
Absolvit în: 2024
Project Management in ICT
Organizator: Tekwill Academy
Preferințe pentru job
Programul de muncă
Permis de conducere
Categoria: B
Cu automobil personal
Pentru a vedea contactele candidatului este necesar să vă înregistrați și să achitați serviciul "Acces la baza de CV-uri".